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Diabetes is an illness caused by the presence of excess sugar or glucose in the body. Those who have diabetes are victims of either a lack of insulin or the improper use of the organic supplement.
While there are several symptoms of diabetes, the ones best known to the medical industry include slow regeneration process, diabetic feet, intense hunger, tiredness and weakness, frequent urination and blurry vision. However, these symptoms can be treated and managed by following every prescription and piece of advice appropriately.
Why maintaining foot health is essential for diabetics
Anybody can experience foot problems — but for those with diabetes, a common foot problem could lead to the development of a series of serious infections. To avoid this, it is vital that you take the right preventive measures.
Get advice from your doctor as a complement to reading this article on foot care and foot health. Seeking advice from an expert will help you understand why you need to take care of your feet. As you already know, the feet are the most exposed part of the human body — different pathogens can get in or out through the feet without you even knowing.
According to Michael Shlonsky, DPM, climate factors like dryness, winter moisture, and cold could increase the risk of having a foot problem. Also, about 15 to 20% of individuals with diabetes get admitted into the hospital due to diabetic feet -related ulcers or infections.
How to Take Care of Your Foot Health
To avoid more serious issues, you are advised to be knowledgeable about your foot health. Start reading books, avoiding some of the things you are typically attached to — doing so will help your chances of preventing any foot problems.
To help you with this, here are some protips:
To help yourself in avoiding foot infection, you are advised to inspect your feet daily. Look at them carefully and see if you notice any changes to the skin’s smoothness or if the skin looks irregular. Check all the pressure areas of your feet and also between your toes for any rough edges.
Although optional, moisturizing your feet is an excellent method of maintaining proper foot health. Ensure you use the right moisturizers for your feet, especially during cold weather.
Keeping your feet dry is one thing your physiotherapy specialist may instruct you to do. This precaution is to help you prevent any form of fungal infection in-between your toes. Aside from that, you should also ensure you are wearing the right footwear for the cold season to prevent further illness or frostbite.
Believe it or not, your toenails are gateways to your insides. Located underneath your toenails is room for pathogens and germs to lodge while searching for entry into your body system. Trimming your toenails will prevent any unwanted germs from entering your system.
Visiting the doctor every month will give you better insight on your level of immunity against foot illnesses. Strictly adhering to advice has saved many diabetes patients over the years.
Contact Tread Well Today
Tread Well is a health facility dedicated to helping you keep your feet healthy and safe. To learn more about how to maintain proper foot health or to book an appointment with our team, contact us today !
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